Emergency Closure

Emergency Closure Procedure


Head Teachers have total discretion as to the closure of schools when they anticipate storm conditions which would put children or staff at risk.

In the event of such conditions, a message will be recorded on the Schools Information Line and Council Website.  The local radio station will also be notified. A groupcall text message will also be sent.

Parents/carers will either be asked to collect their children or informed that they will be coming home early.  Children will only be allowed to walk home with a parent’s/carer’s agreement.  If parents/carers cannot be contacted, Emergency Contacts will be telephoned and appropriate arrangements made.

The above procedures will be put into operation should the school have to be closed for any other reason e.g. power failure.

In the unlikely event of an evacuation of the school being required e.g. fire, all children will be escorted to the BRIDGE OF DON BAPTIST CHURCH CENTRE, DUBFORD ROAD, BRIDGE OF DON from where emergency closure procedures would be put into operation.